IMU holds the 2nd “Appointment with IMU President” lunch meeting for graduates

On June 8, 2023, the 2nd “Appointment with IMU President” lunch meeting for graduates was held as scheduled in the dining-room of IMU’s canteen on its campus in Saihan District. Wu Limin, president of IMU, paid to have lunch with 19 graduate representatives of the university in 2023. He listened to the graduates’ opinions and suggestions about the work of the university, talked with the students about their growth and development and expressed his good wishes for the graduates. The lunch meeting was chaired by Du Xiaodong, vice president of IMU. Also present at the meeting were, Wang Yanhui, head of the Publicity Division of IMU CPC Committee, Aruna, director of the Office of the Administration Committee of the South Campus of IMU and deputy director of the Office of Party and Administration of IMU, Zou Ziqi, head of the Department of Student Affairs of IMU, Cao Haiying, head of the Department of Students’ Employment Affairs of IMU, Zhao Haidong, head of the Postgraduate School of IMU, Zhou Guoquan, head of Logistics Support Department of IMU and Zhou Linjuan, secretary of the Committee of the Youth League of IMU.



The lunch meeting was lively. And the students expressed their opinions freely. They recalled their valuable experiences of learning and study at the university and their thoughts about their university life. They introduced one by one their studies, growth and achievements. They expressed their gratitude to the teachers for their devotion to them and thanks to the university for its emphasis on their education. And they also offered their constructive opinions and suggestions on the discipline development, curriculum provision, internship and practice, logistics service, security management and campus environment.

President Wu Limin carefully listened to every student’s introduction, opinions and suggestions and immediately responded to the students’ concerns. He fully affirmed the students’ independent, active and profound reflections and thanked them for their pertinent suggestions on the university’s reform and development. He demanded that the departments of IMU concerned should take strong and effective actions and measures and continuously improved the quality of teaching, research, management and service. Wu encouraged the graduates to bear in mind the instructions of President Xi Jinping, put themselves forward to take their responsibilities and work where the country and the people need them most to improve their abilities and make their achievements.

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