IMU successfully approved for setting up a new center for post-doctoral studies

In the Notice on the Approval of the Establishment of 510 New Centers for Post-doctoral Studies Including Philosophy at Northeast Normal University (Ren She Bu Fa [2023]108) released recently by the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security and the National Post-doctor Administration Council, IMU is approved for establishing the Center for Post-doctoral Studies for Computer Science and Technology. By now IMU has 9 centers for post-doctoral studies respectively for mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, computer science, ecology, Chinese language and literature, Chinese history and ethnology.

The success in the application for the center for post-doctoral studies for computer science brings about new opportunities for the training, introduction and reserve of talents in new technologies and provides a new platform for the discipline construction. In the years to come IMU will abide by the relevant requirements of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security and the National Post-doctor al Administration Council on the establishment of centers for post-doctoral studies, enhance introduction of post-doctoral talents, provide proper services for post-doctoral researchers, improve the quality of post-doctoral cultivation, make better use of the research strength of post-doctors and inject new dynamics into the construction of the Double First-class Initiative of IMU.

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