IMU hosts the 1st Symposium on the Interdisciplinary Integration of Biology, Chemistry and Medical Science

To speed up the development of biology as a first-class discipline, boost the interdisciplinary integration and development, arouse the innovative ideas, promote interdisciplinary exchange and drive the development and cooperation of chemistry, biology and medical science, the 1st Symposium on the Interdisciplinary Integration of Biology, Chemistry and Medical Science co-hosted by the School of Life Sciences of IMU and the College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering took place on November 21, 2023. Inner Mongolia Medical University and IMU People’s Hospital got involved in the symposium.

Hu Wei, dean of the School of Life Sciences of IMU, delivered an opening address in which she expressed his warm welcome to the experts and scholars present at the symposium. She pointed out that interdisciplinary integration is an inevitable trend of the future development of science and an important driving force to accelerate the scientific and technological innovation. She hoped that the experts and scholars present at the symposium can probe into the latest developments and the future development orientation that biology, chemistry and medical science have had in biomedicine and focus on the consensus to push forward the in-depth integration of three disciplines and the common development of the universities and hospital concerned.

At the symposium, the experts and scholars concerned delivered their academic reports on hot issues and frontier problems in such aspects as life sciences, disease prevention, AI-aided diagnosis of diseases and biomimetic medical materials.

With the theme of “Interdisciplinary Integration of Biology, Chemistry and Medical Science”, the symposium attendees have had in-depth exchange about the latest developments and achievements in chemistry, biology, medical science and materials. The symposium provides an academic platform of exchange and common progress for the experts in different research fields and a wonderful opportunity of cooperation for the interdisciplinary construction and development of biology, chemistry and medical science.


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